Water Cooled Rental Chillers

Monday 28 March 2011
Water cooled chiller have a very simple concept. They have the ability or absorb the heat from an industrial process and relocate it to a split water source, such as a river, a pond, or a cooling tower. If there are large capacity applications, the water cooled chillers are a must. In cases where an air cooled chiller is not giving better results, the water cooled chillers are used.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of using the air cooled chillers and there are several pros and cons of using water cooled chillers. When you make a comparison between the water cooled chillers and the air cooled chillers, it is not right to say that the water cooled chillers are better than the air cooled chillers. There are several instances where the air cooled chillers are preferred over the water cooled chillers.

If you want optimal efficiency of power consumption, you will have to choose the water cooled chillers. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that there can be material build up in water cooled chillers after prolonged use. When there is material buildup in the water cooled chillers, poor heat transfer situations are created, which can reduce the efficiency of the cooling unit.

When you are taking a decision of renting or buying the water cooled chillers, you need to keep the aforementioned key aspects in mind. There are several rental services that are offering good discounts when you rent their water cooled chillers or air cooled chillers.

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